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WhatsApp Image 2021-04-27 at 13.32.52 (1
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-27 at
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-30 at

On April 24, we found Dolly lying in the middle of a rural road near Colmenar.
She couldn't move, she was very sick, so we immediately decided to take her to the vet. He advised us to X-ray him to see if there were any internal injuries. Her next step was to take her to the SOS veterinary hospital in Malaga, and there she had an X-ray and some tests done to see if she had any injuries.
Her X-ray showed the injured spine, but it was not possible to see if she had a compromised spinal cord.
The analysis also yielded other not encouraging results, showing mild liver dysfunction, moderate kidney

dysfunction, anaplasma and babesia.

In the foster home where he is, we treated him for these diseases and within a month he recovered, started walking and now runs, jumps and plays with his new friends.

We have done other tests to see if he has completely recovered and if he can be sterilized but they were not good, he still has Babesia.

We have pending the payment of the last tests and we have to continue with the treatment, so if someone wants to help us pay the 70 euro debt and help us pay for the treatment, we thank you very much and Dolly too.

Thank you very much from Dolly and COLEAM!

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